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Meet Your Friendly Neighborhood Shark Lady

Updated: Aug 26, 2020

Hello you crazy critters and welcome to The Friendly Neighborhood Shark Lady blog! It is my goal to make this a welcoming, engaging, and interesting place for us to learn and explore the amazing world we live in together. I want to bring science to the masses, and that means making it fun. So get ready to learn and geek out about all things science with me!

I figured I would start out with a post telling you a little bit about myself and how I got here. My name is Alyssa and I am a self proclaimed crazy shark lady. I like to tell myself that I love sharks a normal amount, but I know I'm just lying to myself. This girl is obsessed and there is nothing wrong with that. Sharks are insanely cool and interesting and nobody can tell me different (I mean they can, but they're wrong).

I am a recent college graduate from Murray State University (Go Racers!) with a Bachelor of Science in Biology with a minor in Sustainability Studies. Throughout my undergraduate adventure, I was really bad at staying at my home campus. I spent a semester in Regensburg, Germany as well as a year in Sarasota, Florida on exchange programs. While I was on campus, I had the amazing opportunity to work in Murray State's watershed lab as a lab technician processing soil samples looking for aquatic invertebrates (shoutout to Whiteman lab, I miss you guys). I was also able to conduct my own undergraduate research on Betta fish behavior (well, it was about guppies at first, then my project basically turned into a dumpster fire and everything kept dying, so I had to start over and used Bettas, and then Murphy's Law continued to beat me over the head with a bat, but we eventually got it done and successfully defended. I have a bound copy and everything for proof.).

I absolutely love to go scuba diving (shocker, I know), but don't get to go nearly as often as I would like because I am currently living in a land-locked state (let's all cry together to mourn this tragedy). Sadly, I've never seen a shark while diving (I did get to see some pretty cool barracuda though), which just means I need to keep going! Since I can't go diving often, I make up for it by watching lots of ocean documentaries and pretending I'm there instead of laying in my bed. I also enjoy hiking and just spending time outdoors in general. I have one child, my precious rescue pup Lucy. Again, I like to tell myself that I am obsessed with her a normal amount, but I also know that is another blatant lie. I would do just about anything for that pup even though I'm pretty sure she would sell my soul for one really good bite of chicken (jk, she loves me too and is an absolute angel for putting up with my shenanigans).

I am so excited to be starting this new adventure with you! I can't wait to teach you new, fun things while I learn all sorts of new things right along with you! If there are any particular topics you are dying to learn about, leave a comment down below! I also plan on doing some scientist spotlights, so if you want to learn from a specific scientist or just think they are really cool, let me know and I will see what I can do!

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