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My Top Ten Fun Science Facts

Hello everyone and welcome back to The Friendly Neighborhood Shark Lady! I’m going to be honest with you, I have struggled with some serious writer’s block this week trying to come up with a topic for this week’s post. Everything that came to mind just didn’t have enough meat to make it into its own blog post! So instead of having just one topic, today I am going to share with you my personal top ten favorite random science facts!

  1. We only see one side of the moon from earth because the amount of time it takes the moon to make one rotation on its axis is equal to the amount of time it takes the moon to orbit the earth.

  2. Yeasts are small single-celled organisms that feed on simple sugars and break them down into carbon dioxide. Basically, all of your tasty, yeasty bread products are made that way from tiny yeast farts that get trapped in the dough leaving little air pockets.

  3. Between 50-80% of the oxygen on earth is actually produced by the ocean. In fact, the smallest photosynthetic organism, a bacteria called Prochlorococcus, accounts for almost 20% alone!

  4. There are more trees on earth than there are stars in the Milky Way.

  5. The development and dropping of atomic bombs during WWll have actually helped catch classical art forgeries. Radioactive isotopes are now found in paints that were not present before the creation of the atomic bomb. If these isotopes are found in the painting, then we can know that they were painted after 1945 and therefore are forgeries.

  6. Your ears and nose never stop growing as you age. Because they are mainly made up of cartilage, the constant pull of gravity stretches them out as you age, making them grow.

  7. Crows are highly intelligent birds, which can be bad news for humans sometimes. They are able to recognize human faces and will hold a grudge against you if you wrong them in some way. They will even get their friends and families to also hold a grudge against you. Be nice to crows.

  8. Most dinosaurs were likely feathered like birds instead of having scales like reptiles.

  9. Hibernating turtles are able to breathe through their butts. When ponds freeze over during winter, these turtles settle into hibernation by drastically lowering their metabolism rates, but they still need oxygen. They are unable to surface to breathe in air through their lungs, but they are able to extract oxygen straight from the water through blood vessels around their cloaca in a process called cloacal respiration.

  10. Speedo designed a full-body polyurethane swimsuit inspired by shark skin for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. They were later banned in 2009 by the International Swimming Federation, and many other national governing bodies, because they were deemed to give swimmers too much of a technological advantage.

Thank you for learning with me today! What are some of your favorite science-related fun facts? Do you want me to expand on any of mine and make them into a full blow blog post? Let me know below! I’ll see you all back here Friday to learn some fun shark facts!


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