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Words You May Not Know

Updated: Nov 8, 2021

Sometimes scientists forget that they don't have the same vocabulary as the rest of the world. (My mother kindly pointed this out to me while proofreading some of my posts. Thanks mom!) Here I have compiled a list of words non-scientists may not be as familiar with that come up often. As time goes on this list will grow, just like you and me! If there are any words you think should be added, leave a comment below!

  • Pelagic: of or relating to the open seas or oceans.

  • IUCN: International Union for Conservation of Nature. Headquartered in Sweden, IUCN is an international organization involved in gathering and analyzing data, research, field projects, advocacy, and education. They are the premier resource for the conservation status of living organisms.

  • Endotherm: an organism that produces its own body heat. Can also be known as 'warm-blooded'.

  • Ectotherm: an organism that regulates its body temperature through external sources. Can also be known as 'cold-blooded'.

  • Vertebrate: any organism that has a backbone or spinal column.

  • Invertebrate: any organism that doesn't have a backbone or spinal column.

  • Terrestrial: of, on, or pertaining to land.

  • Aquatic: of, in, or pertaining to water, both fresh and saltwater.

  • Amphibious: relating to, living in, or suited for both land and water.

  • Diurnal: active during the day, sleeping at night.

  • Nocturnal: active at night, sleeping during the day.

  • Curriculum vitae (CV): a document detailing your academic and professional history. It is similar to a resume.

  • Viviparous: give birth to live young that have developed inside the uterus of the mother.

  • Oviparous: reproduce by laying eggs.

  • Ovoviviparous: reproduce by hatching eggs inside the mother and then giving live birth.

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